Publications - 2008
1. Paneva-Marinova, D., L. Pavlova-Draganova, R. Pavlov, M. Sendova (2008). Cross-Media and Ubiquitous Learning Applications on top of Iconographic Digital Library, In the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM’08), 20-25 October, 2008, Lymassol, Cyprus, pp. 367- 371, ISBN: 978-963-9911-00-0.[pdf] 2. Dimitrova, L., R. Pavlov (2008). On Compatibility of Slavic Language Resources, In the Proceedings of the MONDILEX Open Workshop “Lexicographic Tools and Techniques”, 3–4 October, 2008, Moscow, Russia, pp. 15-22, ISBN: 978-5-9900813-6-9. Back Please inform me by email if you cite some of these articles! |
Last updated: 30/07/2010 by Radoslav Pavlov
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